Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Texas Poker Bars?

It looks like the politicians in Texas may not be as crazy as in some other parts of the USA. This bill to legalize poker in Texan bars is gaining support in the lone star state.

State Rep. Jose Menendez from San Antonio has introduced a bill that would regulate poker and allow up to four poker tables in certain bars or establishments.

This legislation could raise over a billion dollars over the next biennium for state coffers while bringing the game out of legal limbo and into the light,” said Mike Lavigne, treasurer of the Texas Poker PAC.

Texas would finally be able to benefit from rise of Texas Hold’em

Charity poker tournaments would also be legal. Supporters say it would raise moneys for state programs.

Charitable poker means more Texans win,” said Lavigne. “Texas charities are losing out on millions of dollars due to the antiquated laws governing the game.”

Despite recent federal attempts to eliminate online poker, the game continues to grow in popularity worldwide. As poker related television programming continues to spread in popularity, so do the many new tournaments that attract tourists and visitors. States like California and Connecticut have long been reaping the benefits of the poker boom.

Highlights of the bill:

  • 4 live and/or electronic, raked tables allowed in each establishment that meets requirements
  • Lottery Commission decides how many tables are allowed in each racetrack
  • Charitable poker enabled
  • Mandatory dealer training and licensing (inexpensive)
  • Licensing for distributors of commercial poker equipment
  • Money raised will be dedicated to necessary state services
  • Criminal penalties for dishonest operators
  • Raises over a billion dollars for state services
Good work Jose! It's good to see some politicians have the sense to give people what they want and do it in a way that benefits the community as a whole.

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